Taurus GX4 Carry Review

Taurus GX4 Mossberg 590 for sale Carry ReviewGX4 Carry GX4 Carry is a miniature 9mm pistol that is designed to be used for daily carry....

A Taurus G3C Market Value Guide

A Taurus G3C Market Value GuideTaurus G3C builds upon the popularity and reliability of its larger counterpart to make a smaller carry gun. It's equipped...

Canik TP9 Series Pistols

Canik TP9 Series PistolsSince their introduction on the US market, Canik TP9 handguns have come a very long way. Initially considered budget imports with possibility...

Canik Mete MC9 Review

Canik Mete MC9 ReviewCanik is a bit late to the game in 2023 has released their METE-MC9. This pistol is California-compliant and offers a great...