A Classic World Of Warcraft Guide To The First 6 Things You Should Do In The WOTLK Classic
The beginning stages in World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King are outlined here. While the original release of Wrath of the Lich King occurred in 2008, the legacy edition of the game is now available for World of Warcraft: Classic. A massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) that takes place in a whole new world presents unique challenges when adding new material, and WotLK included a lot more than simply a brand new continent.
When a player's employment, class, or quality of life changed, they had to keep note of how it impacted their ability to store items and move characters. Travelling to Northrend by boat or zeppelin doesn't need a certain character level, and not all of the game's changes occurred on the new continent. Both novice and seasoned players need to get a head start on certain tasks in The Wrath of the Lich King.
1. Test your abilities.
Many of these ideas aren't ranked, but they all address an issue that players raise very immediately after joining the server. No one except those grinding a character below level 10 or creating a new one would be exempt from this.
Changes were made to all classes' abilities and talents with the release of the WotLK expansion. Others were removed, some were passive, and some were either made stronger or weaker depending on the class's function or the other skill trees. The concept of dual specs was introduced in this expansion as well, and their use extends beyond the tank and healer roles.
2. The position of trainer requires that you seek a suitable individual.
All World of Warcraft characters may use First Aid, cook a meal, and fish for dinner. Focusing on the key professions, such as Tailoring and Alchemy, we see that these are more specialized employment. While playing The Burning Crusade, you might level up to a maximum of 350 in any of these abilities. With the update, the cap has been raised to 450.
Characters need to visit a trainer to get experience and level up before they can learn new recipes. A short trip is all that's required to accomplish this goal. First-tier Northrend cities that serve as hubs for player travel are where players will find the majority of Northrend's most useful trainers. It's best to visit them first, rather than Northrend, where you may have a good time if you tamed that ground mount.
3. Get in your Death Knight mode.
The history, mythology, and overall vibe of the armies of the Scourge and Arthas Menethil are interesting enough to warrant creating a character even if you don't intend to use them in the endgame or for a long time. They have their beginning region, and the quest lines relate some of the narrative of the Lich King, while also granting access to areas of Azeroth that other players and classes cannot visit.
There was a great period when the Death Knights were much too powerful, and it was enjoyable to melt anything in sight.
4. Change your certificates of achievement.
Changes to the PvP and battlefield systems were also substantial with the WotLK expansion. Instead of scoring points on each battlefield, players will instead earn honour points. That doesn't make the marks they've earned in the past useless or vanish; it only means their storage and application will be different.
Every player's marks will now be shown on the Currency section of their profile, where they may be exchanged for Honor points. This also frees up valuable inventory space, which is hard to come by in online games.
5. Don't get lost, just stick to the path leading to Northrend.
Even while the Alliance and the Horde have divergent motivations for venturing to Northrend, they are both united in their desire to see the Lich King vanquished once and for all. Human characters in the Alliance may see this as an opportunity to make amends for their fallen ruler and restore some order to the country.
The Forsaken are the most important people group in the tale, and they may be found in the defunct Kingdom of Lordaeron. Sylvanas Windrunner, a former Ranger, is now their queen, and she has a grudge against the Lich King. Some of the Forsaken are rebels who wish to assist her exact even more punishment on the Lich King.
6. Improve your supplementary materials.
Many players in 2008 didn't give a hoot about this, but today there are a ton of add-ons for anything from Action Bars to Raid Rotations, so it's up to whichever player cares the most. Not all add-ons get automatic updates since different players use different software. The moment it matters the most is when they either don't function at all, deliver erroneous data, or break.
There must be regular updating of extensions on the day of expansion, even if you aren't specifically tasked with doing so. Discovering the hard way that Deadly Boss Mods is ineffective is not a great way to kick off the new expansion.